At the Georgia School Boards Association (GSBA) Conference, the Thomaston-Upson Board of Education received the Leading Edge Award. This award recognizes the district’s excellence in the category of Culture, Climate & Organizational Efficacy for developing "safe, orderly, supportive learning environments built on respect and encouragement where all individuals believe they can make a positive difference.” The nomination for the Leading Edge Award highlighted the Thomaston-Upson Safety & Security Program, which allows staff, students, and the greater community to invest in the safety of the school district. This program provides staff and students with the resources, knowledge, and training necessary to respond to all emergency situations. The T-U Safety and Security Program is a multi-dimensional program that includes the following initiatives: technology; facility and construction; awareness; preparedness and prevention; behavioral & emotional health and wellness; and community partnerships. Congratulations to the Thomaston-Upson Board of Education for this outstanding recognition.