TUCS Help Desk

Click the "Log In" button to enter a ticket.

Forgot Password

Forgot your password, or your old password is not working for you?  Follow the four easy steps below to reset it.

 Step 1:  Access the Help Desk Technology/Maintenance login page, then click the "Forget?" link

 Step 1

  •  Step 2:  Enter your email address then click the 'Send Password' button to receive a password reset link

Step 2

  •  Step 3:  Check your email for a message from "Thomaston-Upson Schools Technology" then click the link enclosed to enter a new password

Step 3

  •  Step 4:  Enter a new password and confirm the password by completing the respective fields.  NOTE:  You must enter a password that is at least 8 characters in length and contains at least one special character (i.e., !, @, $, *)

Step 4